
Walhampton Update

Published on 2015-05-01 by Gill Hickman

This is Walhampton's Update for Dr Jane Goodall's Roots and Shoots

It’s a busy time – Young gardeners have started runner beans in the sides of plastic beakers so that they can see root and shoot development even before the first leaves break through the top of the soil. Other children came to the vegetable garden to taste sweet young pea shoots and the first broad beans as a well-earned treat after working at weeding. There was even a strawberry plant which was a runner from last year’s plants which has been adopted by the boarding house – we’re waiting to see which strawberries are the tastiest…. and the rhubarb is ready for picking and going to the pupil kitchen for cookery club… it’s all go. Tasty days!

Walhampton beds Walhampton Beds 2Walhampton Kiddies