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Welcome to the blog. It celebrates the many small steps of the schools aiming to become more sustainable via the 'Sussed in the Forest' project. It is these 'small steps' that children often recall years later when they've left school. Most of these schools started from nowhere, with no history of education for sustainability so we hope that you are inspired by their work. This is not a race: it may take a school three years to obtain a Green Flag or a Roots and Shoots award, but we really hope that schools enjoy the journey! A child has one chance in education so that journey is critically important.

Bees n baenas

Beans n Bees at Milford Pre-School

Published on 2015-04-10 by Gill Hickman

Huge learning experience for three and four year olds!

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Brockenhurst Pre-school now Eco-Schools Bronze!

Published on 2015-04-10 by Gill Hickman

Just some of the actions carried out by Brockenhurst pre-school

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Update on those Ex-Batts

Published on 2015-04-01 by Gill Hickman

Well done for good husbandry PJS

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How PJS use their pond dipping

Published on 2015-04-01 by Gill Hickman

Ofsted loved this activity and watched the children in their outdoor area when they called!

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Lymington Juniors' Big Dig

Published on 2015-03-28 by Gill Hickman

Helpers turn out in force to prepare for Grow Wild and for the summer season

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New Forest School twin their loo

Published on 2015-03-27 by Gill Hickman

A new and ethical approach to World Water Day

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News from Milford PreSchool

Published on 2015-03-22 by Gill Hickman

Pre schoolers use the Forest School

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Veganism at New Forest Small School

Published on 2015-03-19 by Gill Hickman

Richard Barnett a slow convert to veganism, explains his choices to the children of New Forest Small School

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Boris and Henry Meet Year 5

Published on 2015-03-10 by Gill Hickman

Orchard School children learnt about adaptation, habitat, conservation, behaviour and classification while getting u close to a Siberian Eagle Owl and a Harris hawk

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Breamore Eco Warriors present FAIRTRADE

Published on 2015-03-09 by Gill Hickman

Breamore children take charge of their Fairtrade assembly

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